Let’s Serve Humanity because Life is about Making a Difference in the Lives of Others.

When God created us, he did it for his purpose. Do you know the reason you were brought into this world!!!If you ask God in Prayer, he will tell you his purpose for You.Personally i know i was created to make a difference. To touch lives of the less advantaged even if it just to offer a smile.This is the reason I do everything you see. I go to different rural schools just to encourage young children never to give up on life. While at it, I realised that many girls would miss school some days every Month and later I confirmed that it’s due to challenges related to #MenstruationThat’s why I started the Annual Hiking Events in 2017. To support the vulnerable girls to attend school daily without being held back by their periods. But I know that I can’t to it alone so that why I always make it open for other to join the campaign to Keep Girls in School and#Endchildmarriage.Every year we at Raising Teenagers-Uganda lead Hikers to different regions for Hiking with a purpose of Raising funds to buy sanitary pads for needy girls so that they don’t miss or drop out of school just because they were born female. But also create awareness about the benefits of education and the dangers of #Childmarriage.Yesterday we had our last school outreach for giving out sanitary pads and knickers from the proceeds of our 2019 Hiking Event in the Rwenzori mountainous region. We supported girls at Bembe Primary School in Bombo – Luwero District, in addition to Nyarukamba Primary School in Karangura subcounty and St.Matia Mulumba Primary School in Bwera Kasese district.I would like to with all my heart appreciate every one that made a contribution towards this important charity event. We know that in this world, we are not equal, some people are more blessed than others. But God loves it when we reach out to the less advantaged and add value to their lives.It’s painful to see a girl of 9years being forced into marriage just because she has seen her first period.
She may not have the ability to stand up for her self and say No but we can help to sensitise communities about the benefits of Keeping Girls in School and #Endchildmarriage.To all our Hikers, I celebrate you with much love.
Thank you for being part of this important event in 2019.
I look forward to Having you all again in 2020 as we head to a different parts of the country to create more awareness and support the needy girls to stay in school.To all the partner organizations that have been part of this journey, thank you so much and May we continue to support each other to see more success and especially see the change we want to see.Together we can be the voices for permanent positive change in this world.
Let’s #EndmenstrualStigma completely.
Menstruation is normal and natural and must be treated as such.We still call upon more well wishers to continue making donations towards sanitary pads and knickers plus water tanks so that girls who are not as fortunate can at least have the basics.
Let’s serve humanity together.
Make a difference.

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