Touching Lives of Refugees in Nakivale Refugee Settlement: Isingiro District

During the #16DaysOfActivism against Gender Based Violence we set out to support the refugees in Nakivale settlement. We understand the challenges faced by such people because we know that they come with nothing.

Our focus was not only on Menstrual Hygiene management for Girls in the refugee settlement but also to support other refugees with items like clothes, shoes, and school supplies for Children. The numbers were overwhelming and we felt like we hadn’t taken anything compared to the need.

While there we spoke with them to understand their major challenges and it was sad to find out that some young girls are raped and impregnated by unknown fellow refugees.

A mother spoke to us with so much pain about her daughter who was raped and got pregnant. Now she doesn’t even know the father of her child. These and more realities are felt and witnessed by refugees.

We seek support from well wishers to support us and we reach out to such people. These young girls have dreams that they need to achieve. With your help we can bring smiles to their faces.

With your help we can provide basic needs to such children. Life is about service. Let’s work together to make a difference.

We watched older women fight for knickers that we had taken for adolescent girls. It’s a painful experience. Imagine a menstruating woman without a knicker and a sanitary pad.

We call upon you to support Raising Teenagers Uganda as we work to transform lives of the needy communities.

Together we can create smiles among refugees. Every Girl has a Dream they want to Achieve in life. Let’s stand with Refugees.

Donate every item you can afford.

We are hear to deliver them to the most needy giving priorities to Refugee Girls and Young women.

The African Regional Youth Conference is Here in Uganda. 15th-16th August.

We know that the Youth make up the biggest part of the population in different countries and for Uganda 70% of the population are people below the age of 30years.

On 12th August the world commemorated the international youth day under the Theme: Transforming Education for Responsible Citizenship. We know very well the importance of education and the fact that it is the only weapon we can use to change this world and make it a better place for all children especially the Girl Child.

We are happy to have the Regional Youth Conference on SRHR, Economic Empowerment and Leadership happening here in Uganda and hosting delegates from 10 other African countries including Namibia, Nigeria, Malawi, Kenya, Tanzania, Burundi, Rwanda, Republic of Congo, Ghana, and others.

We are doing this in partnership with Kampala Youth Advocacy and Development Network plus other partners and Ministry of Gender labour and social development.

It’s important that youth are given an opportunity to thrive and fulfill their dreams.

Her Life Matters Too: Support Less advantaged Girls to Stay in School.

All our community services and Outreaches are aimed at empowering the girls and boys to stay in school and complete their education. But we have for years realised that while many girls are willing to stay in school, they are limited by lack of sanitary pads and knickers to help them manage their periods with dignity. Many will choose to stay home for some days every Month so that they are not humiliated for staining their uniforms with blood.

While they stay home, learning at school goes on and this affects their academic performance which later forces them to abandon school completely. They always need someone to encourage and support them to stay focused on their education.

In the last 2 years , we have been able to support over 12,000 Girls in rural Uganda with reusable sanitary pads which they wash and reuse for more than a year. This has been due to donations from well wishers that follow our work on social media. The girls have been helped to stay focused on their education and compete favourably with the boys.

However, the number that needs our help keeps growing every day, the Girls that needs our support with sanitary pads are so many. Our last outreach for giving out sanitary pads happened last month with the proceeds that came from the Hiking Event which helped us raise close to 600 sanitary pads to support 600 girls.

Just after that out reach, a young amazing 14 year old girl from New Jersey saw our post on Instagram and she was so concerned. She wrote to me and asked how she can be of help in our campaign to Keep Girls in School and #Endchildmarriage in Uganda. She mentioned that in America many girls have everything they need and it’s rare to imagine that a girl can stay home and miss school because of menstruation. She decided to start a fundraising drive at her school and ask fellow friends to support the girls in rural Uganda with sanitary pads and knickers.

This is so powerful to see young people taking initiatives to support fellow young people. I appreciate you so much Vidhi Madan. You are one in a million and may God bless you so much as you front this fundraising drive. May the kind people locate you and support you to support the less advantaged girls.

Life is about the lives of others that we touch with our kindness and love.

Please support our campaign to Keep Girls in School and #Endchildmarriage. Let’s make every Girl achieve her dream.

The world celebrates you for your kindness and Generosity.

Leaders Empowering Each other to Serve Better: Chakra Villagers in Mitooma.

Being a good leader takes different forms and commitments.

At the Beginning of 2019, we had the EDs Retreat at Lakeside Mukono organised by Jackie Asiimwe the Executive Director at Civsource Africa. It was such a great time to reflect on what we are doing as leaders, the challenges we face, the time we allocate to Self care and how best to become better women and leaders at that.

This was such a great opportunity for me to look to my self in a mirror and gauge my strength and weaknesses. I realised that for a long time I have always put others first and me last which to a greater extent was starting to break me. I realised that exercises help to make us better people. I learnt some ways to exercise from home without necessarily going to the gym.

At that time, I realised how much I need to create time for myself and fill my cup. We that agreed to meet again in August to review and share our journeys with each other which we just did.

On 2nd August we set off for Mitooma and reached safely at a very wonderful home of one of us who offered to host us for a weekend of reflection. It’s been such a great opportunity to meet her family members and share some love and care that will forever be remembered.

While there we had an opportunity to visit one of the neighbouring schools to inspire and motivate young girls to stay focused of their education. It was such a moving moment as we listened to girls share their dreams and ask for guidance on what specific subjects they need to study in order to achieve their True Potential.

These girls will always remember our visit and the words of wisdom they received from the leaders. The Headmistress was so grateful and called upon us to always create time to visit and inspire these youngsters.

We also had a great chance to learn about coaching and it’s difference from mentorship. This was done by a very amazing coach Joan Mugenzi from Imagine Me Africa. With her wonderful presentation, I realised that I need coach so badly. I hope to get one soon. We also had a practical part to specifically take us through what happens during the coaching session.

Our Coach Joan and the Client Winie (Our Host)

Listening to the 30 min session made me realise that we always have the solutions to the problems and all we need is that trigger from the coach. This has been such a great moment for us to grow and look at life so differently.

Thank you Jackie for having such a big heart that empowers us to be better people going forward.

Thank you for always getting the best out of me.

Thanks to all the #ChakraVillagers. We are meant to thrive. Let the light in us so shine that the world will see the best in Us.

Leaders Empowering Each other to Serve Better: Chakra Villagers in Mitooma.

Being a good leader takes different forms and commitments.

At the Beginning of 2019, we had the EDs Retreat at Lakeside Mukono organised by Jacki Asiimwe the Executive Director at Civsource Africa. It’s was such a great time to reflect on what we are doing as leaders, the challenges we face, the time we allocate to Self care and how best to become better women and leaders at that.

This was such a great opportunity for me to look to my self in a mirror and gauge my strength and weaknesses. I realised that for a long time I have always put others first and me last which to a greater extent was starting to break me.

At that time, I realised how much I need to create time for myself and fill my cup. We that agreed to meet again in August to review and share our journeys with each other which we just did.

On 2nd August we set off for Mitooma and reached safely at a very wonderful home of one of us who offered to host us for a weekend of reflection. It’s been such a great opportunity to meet her family members and share some love and care that will forever be remembered.

While there we had an opportunity to visit one of the neighbouring schools to inspire and motivate young girls to stay focused of their education. It was such a moving moment as we listened to girls share their dreams and ask for guidance on what specific subjects they need to study in order to achieve their True Potential.

These girls will always remember our visit and the words of wisdom they received from the leaders. The Headmistress was so grateful and called upon us to always create time to visit and inspire these youngsters.

We also had a great chance to learn about coaching and it’s difference from mentorship. This was done by a very amazing coach Joan Mugenzi from Imagine Me Africa. With her wonderful presentation, I realised that I need coach so badly. I hope to get one soon. We also had a practical part to specifically take us through what happens during the coaching session.

Our Coach Joan and the Client Winie (Our Host)

Listening to the 30 min session made me realise that we always have the solutions to the problems and all we need is that trigger from the coach. This has been such a great moment for us to grow and look at life so differently.

Thank you Jackie for having such a big heart that empowers us to be better people going forward.

Thank you for always getting the best out of me.

Thanks to all the #ChakraVillagers. We are mean to thrive. Let the light in us so shine that the world will see the best in Us.

Greeting is a Sign of Love and Respect: But What went wrong?

In the African Traditional Societies, Greeting was very important to family members and Non-Family members.
Everyone was expected to greet the people he or she found anywhere. Children would be punished if they did not greet people, and punishment would be given by family and community members without question.

Nowadays, some children don’t greet at all. not even greeting their own parents and many don’t even know that they are expected to greet anyway!
What went wrong?
Our parents were not as educated as we are but they ensured that children grew up in an orderly manner, respecting elders and everyone else. What has gone wrong with Parenting today? Many Children can’t even greet visitors when they come home and their parents don’t find any problem with it.

Did you know that greeting brings people closer to each other and this helps to build relationships based on love and respect. How will a child open up to her parents to tell them about the issues affecting her if they don’t even greet each.
Remember greeting is not only for children but adults too. If a mother and father don’t greeting each other, how do they inspire their own children to greet people.

Did you know that greetings give a start to conversations or talks! How can you start taking to someone you have not greeted, even when you want to inquire about anything?
Some Teachers at school are busy with schemes of work and lesson plans that greeting the children they teach is not that important, or if they do, its just because its part of the lesson plan!!

Dear children, (boys and girls) greeting is a sign of respect. It does not hurt for you to greet someone whether you know them or not. Many times you may miss your opportunities in life just because you did not greet that person you met today. Make it a habit whether your parents have told you or not, learn it today that greeting is very important and when you grow up, ensure that you teach the same to your own children.

When you wake up in the morning greet your parents and know how they slept. Greet your siblings and people you stay with at home. When you get to school, greet your teachers and classmates and while greeting, compose yourself, don’t be in a rush because you will miss the purpose and the point. You need to know if the other person is well and may they learn from you and start greeting as well.

Make it part of your lifestyle and watch how you change your life significantly. Raising Teenagers-Uganda

Anitah won’t drop out of school because of Menstruation. Read Her Story.

Anitah had lost all hope after seeing her 1st period.

“When I started my Periods, I was always forced to stay at home for 5 days every Month because I was scared of staining my dress and be laughed at by the boys at school and some teachers.

Before that, I used to perform very well but now my results are always bad because when I missed school, I always missed everything taught by the teachers at that time.

I started hating school and hating my self. I wanted to abandon school completely because nothing was making sense to me. My parents would tell me that they can’t buy for me sanitary pads when there is no food at home. Even finding an old rag was a problem because we are very poor.

Now I have a reason to smile and run back to school after receiving sanitary pads and a knicker from Aunt Hope from Raising Teenagers Uganda.
I will not miss school again because my dream is to become a Lawyer.” Anitah from Kagongi Primary School in Western Uganda.

Let’s Serve Humanity because Life is about Making a Difference in the Lives of Others.

When God created us, he did it for his purpose. Do you know the reason you were brought into this world!!!If you ask God in Prayer, he will tell you his purpose for You.Personally i know i was created to make a difference. To touch lives of the less advantaged even if it just to offer a smile.This is the reason I do everything you see. I go to different rural schools just to encourage young children never to give up on life. While at it, I realised that many girls would miss school some days every Month and later I confirmed that it’s due to challenges related to #MenstruationThat’s why I started the Annual Hiking Events in 2017. To support the vulnerable girls to attend school daily without being held back by their periods. But I know that I can’t to it alone so that why I always make it open for other to join the campaign to Keep Girls in School and#Endchildmarriage.Every year we at Raising Teenagers-Uganda lead Hikers to different regions for Hiking with a purpose of Raising funds to buy sanitary pads for needy girls so that they don’t miss or drop out of school just because they were born female. But also create awareness about the benefits of education and the dangers of #Childmarriage.Yesterday we had our last school outreach for giving out sanitary pads and knickers from the proceeds of our 2019 Hiking Event in the Rwenzori mountainous region. We supported girls at Bembe Primary School in Bombo – Luwero District, in addition to Nyarukamba Primary School in Karangura subcounty and St.Matia Mulumba Primary School in Bwera Kasese district.I would like to with all my heart appreciate every one that made a contribution towards this important charity event. We know that in this world, we are not equal, some people are more blessed than others. But God loves it when we reach out to the less advantaged and add value to their lives.It’s painful to see a girl of 9years being forced into marriage just because she has seen her first period.
She may not have the ability to stand up for her self and say No but we can help to sensitise communities about the benefits of Keeping Girls in School and #Endchildmarriage.To all our Hikers, I celebrate you with much love.
Thank you for being part of this important event in 2019.
I look forward to Having you all again in 2020 as we head to a different parts of the country to create more awareness and support the needy girls to stay in school.To all the partner organizations that have been part of this journey, thank you so much and May we continue to support each other to see more success and especially see the change we want to see.Together we can be the voices for permanent positive change in this world.
Let’s #EndmenstrualStigma completely.
Menstruation is normal and natural and must be treated as such.We still call upon more well wishers to continue making donations towards sanitary pads and knickers plus water tanks so that girls who are not as fortunate can at least have the basics.
Let’s serve humanity together.
Make a difference.

Together We Can End Menstrual Stigma. Girls Deserve Better.


I would like to thank God so much for the successful Hike we just had. You deserve the Glory and the Honor.
I started planning for this Hike in March 2019 and this was our 3rd Annual Hiking event following Mt.Muhavura Hike in Western Uganda that we did in 2017 and Wanale Hike in Eastern Uganda that we did in 2018.

All the Hiking events are meant to break stigma around Menstruation and give opportunities to young girls in rural setting to have access to education. But most importantly it’s an opportunity for all people that have a passion for charity work to participate and make a contribution to humanity. I have a strong believe that we ourselves hold the key to success and that we should support the less advantaged girls to fulfill their dreams and aspirations in life.
Life without Education is Complicated Life.
NO GIRL should miss or drop out of school because of Menstruation

While mobilizing and interesting different people to join us, I saw love, I saw support, I saw togetherness and I realized that there are many people in this world with very beautiful hearts, people that are willing to do anything to ensure that the less advantaged people have the basics. Friends from near and far made contributions, companies made donations, my family members donated clothes, shoes, books and many other items.
This gave me an assurance that am not alone. An assurance that some people really do care and are always ready to go out of their way to make a difference. I also got to know that many times those that want to help are not asked to and they don’t know how to do it. That’s why some parents will find it easy to throw away clothes that no longer fit their children to the dustbin because they have not been asked or told that there are children out there that lack clothes and shoes, that lack cups and plates, that lack books and pens. That lack sanitary pads and knickers, that lack it all.

The mobilization for this year brought me new and precious friends, many from here in Uganda and others from abroad. Everyone was into the cause- Breaking stigma around menstruation. What a great way to make friends with a purpose!!
Some Hikers were Hiking for the 3rd time for they haven’t found a reason to miss any. Joy Charlotte and Peace Kigongo I celebrate you.
To all our Hikers and your Organizations, Congratulations.
I celebrate and Respect you all.

The Hunger Project- Uganda Just Like My Child Foundation
CivSource Africa AFRIpads AFRIpads Foundation
Community Care Foundation- Uganda Lato Milk
CEDO Uganda Youth Partnership Uganda Hunga Travels
Andela Uganda People in need agency Steadfast Safaris
Strengthening Hope and Resilience Empowerment – SHARE
Amani Initiative Against Teenage Pregnancy & Early Marriage
Kaana Foundation for Outreach Programs – KAFOP
Peer To Peer Uganda – PEERU Rossana Health Convoy

To all the friends that supported our cause: Daki Kotecha #UsaThobhani Neeta Manek Deborah Quigley Adrine Kibabazi Litz Muhairwe Ruth Muwesa Ssenjobe Philipa Brenda Plus my little girls that donated their clothes and shoes. Thank you all so very Much.

May the God Lord Bless you all and give to you all your Hearts’ desires.

How much Psychosocial Support do University Students receive!!

As we grow up from stage to stage, we realize that this world has alot of challenges. Young people are exposed to so much and yet with very little guidance on how to manage particular situations in life.When young children are in primary school, they always come home in the evening and those who are lucky will have a chance to share with their parents about what happened during the day, they will speak about everything and anything, and their parents will listen and guide. But many other parents have no time to spend and listen to what the young children have to say, so the children will keep quite about everything no matter how had it may be.Today there is alot of sexual abuse and exploitation everywhere starting from home, to on the way to school, and at school itself. The victims are many times threatened not to report and yes, they decide to Keep quite. But for how long can one stand sexual abuse!!!If we give young people an opportunity to speak up and an assurance that they are protected, much of the abuse would stop. But how will it stop when even the mother at home doesn’t know that her brother is sexually abusing her daughter!!If you even give a chance to your daughter to tell you what’s happening in her life, you may hate your self for letting her down for so long.

Two years ago while attending the 1st International Language, Gender and Leadership Network conference here in Uganda, I was so touched by a University Student who could not speak openly about her challenges as a girl but when asked to draw anything she would love to communicate, she drew a picture of a girl hiding her face in her laps and crying…While drawing, I realised that she was feeling alot of pain and almost breaking down. I immediately imagined what millions of girls go through at University where parents never bother go ask if all is well.

At that time everyone thinks that this girl has grown, she is a University and so all is well. But is it really well!!!Alot of attention is given when girls are in primary and secondary school. Many times it’s also not enough because many young girls are abused but can’t report for one reason or another.

While this girl was drawing, I imagined how much she is keeping at heart. How often do we ask our children to write or draw anything for us as parents if they can’t speak about it!! Do you know how much you could find out as a result!!Many parents say that they are shy and can’t talk to their daughters about things related to sex and how to keep themselves safe, but do you know what the world is telling your daughter!!

When I approached the Girl after the session to tell me more about her drawing, she told me how there is so much sexual abuse at University but yet they have no one to tell or report to. Many times they are even raped by their so called friends but they fear to report or be laughed at by other students. She told me how many girls prefer to commit suicide since they think that even their parents don’t care about them.

She told me about the selling of marks by lectures in exchange for sex. To the extent that even those that have got their marks genuinely will be threatened by lecturers demanding for sex before they give them those marks. What an insane world we live in!!! I saw pain in her eyes. I saw much pain while she talked about the parents not caring enough about what happens to these girls at campus. She talked about the fact that today many people are reaching out to girls in secondary schools and building their capacity but very few think about university students.

There is alot of depression among the university students that the world can never imagine. My interaction with other university students after that have confirmed this. There are no psychosocial services available for these young people. How about the ministry of education thinks about this so critically.Many university students will fail not because they are stupid but because they refused to have sex with the so called lecturer. We can change this if we choose to be supportive to this group of young people.

My work with young adolescents through Raising Teenagers Uganda and Girls Not Brides Uganda has shown me that we have alot to benefit if we reach out to young people and empower them with knowledge and skills to sustain themselves. If we give them the confidence and encourage them to open up and report cases of abuse and exploitation.If we involve them in our programming and implementation.

We must appreciate that everyone has something to say, if we give them an opportunity to speak, they will talk, if we allow them to communicate in the language they understand best, we shall get to know the truth that we have been missing for year. They can draw, they can write, they can sing, they can act.

Find the most appropriate way to get your child to open up.Give her an audience. Be ready to listen no matter how diffult it may be. Offer the guidance needed and support your child all the way. Don’t stop at paying the tuition, it’s not enough to educate a child that is broken into pieces.Next Month, I will be speaking at the University of Nottingham in England.Speaking about my would with adolescent girls and Young Women in Ugandan communities. I will be communicating Global challenges that are limiting girls from fulfilling their potential.This will be at the 3rd International Language Gender and Leadership Network Conference. We all have a role to play in order to see the change we what to see in this world.